Wednesday 18 November 2015

Grade 4/5 French Update

Hello friends in Grade 4 and 5 Extended French.  This week's focus has been on oral, reading, and listening communication. 

The school French Program will be introducing something new and very exciting this year.  We will be preparing for a school wide French symposium to be presented in the spring.

All student will be learning the following song, "Chanson de la Francophonie." We have been using this as a reading activity and have been translating and discussing the content of the song. The theme speaks of how all children, no matter from what parts of the world they come, share one common goal, our French culture and language.

The student sounded great today singing it for the first time. Pleas practice and review this song at home.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Le Jour du Souvenir

Week  of November  9th -13th 

This week in Grade 4/5 French, we have been compiling a list of new vocabulary words for the month of November and for Remembrance Day.

Please review your vocabulary for the month of November,

Also, we have been learning a new song to reinforce our vocabulary. Please review the song "Beau Coquelicot" (Pretty Poppy).  

Thursday 29 October 2015

Grade 4 Oral Communication

Hello Parents,

Welcome to our newly added Grade 4 French blog.  In this blog, you will find many valuable resources you may want to review with your child. I will be using this blog as a communication tool to update you on your child's learning as well as offer some home support I encourage you to review with you child.

The links below have been practiced in class. Click on the links to access the the French videos.

We have been reading the words for "C'est l'Hallowe'en   by Matt Maxwell in class. The following video puts the words to music. Pleas practice singing at home. Ask your child to explain the meaning of each verse.

We have been spending much time reviewing "le verbe avoir" (the verb "to have") This  catchy little song helps with the memory of the verb. Please practice your verb at home. 

Have you memorized your verbs? Bravo my friends! 
Parents ask you child the following questions:

What is...
the first person singular of the verb avoir? .....Answer: J'ai
the second person singular of the verb avoir? ..Answer: Tu as
the third person singular of the verb avoir, masculine? .....Answer: ll a
the third person singular of the verb avoir, feminine? .....Answer: Elle a

the first person plural of the verb avoir? ....Answer: Nous avons
the second person plural of the verb avoir? .....Answer: Vous avez 
the third person plural of the verb avoir, masculine? .....Answer: lls ont
the third person plural of the verb avoir, feminine? .....Answer: Elles ont

As an extension activity, can you make up sentences using any of the verbs above and something you might find in you school bag or in the classroom?

Eg. J'ai un crayon.

Merci pour votre participation!

Friday 21 February 2014

Winter Writing Update

French Writing/ L'écriture Français

The Grade 2's have been busy writing up a storm... a winter storm!  The students have written about the many things they like about winter the many things they can do in winter and the different clothing we wear in winter.  Below  is a picture of our winter tree, "Arbre d'Hiver". with some of or examples of our writing. 

We are working on introduction, middle and closing sentences.  See if you can spot the three kinds of sentecnes in our writing!

In winter I can do...
I can play...
I can slide..
Can you think of others you verbs you can do in winter?

apporter... aller...boire...manger...


The children will be bringing home their writing journals for you to review and read with them in the upcoming week. Please make sure to return them once signed.            

Friday 24 January 2014

Happy New Year!

Welcome Back to a new 2014 year of French and fun! 
In keeping with our winter theme of clothing and cold weather, the students have been encouraged to use their already learned vocabulary to talk about the winter clothing they brign to school.   Alsit of vocavulary can be foudn in their grench duotang.  Please encourage your kids to identify these items as they dress for school in the morning.
In Social Studies, we have begun talking about the different celebrations in Canada and around the world. Can you use your computer to find the names of other celebrations other than the ones listed? What about their countries of origin ?
Jouons un jeu! Let's play a game.
Match the picture with the celebration! 
Hanoukkah            Fête du Canada       Jour de la Saint-Patrick                       le Saint Valentin           Noël                   Ramadan              l'Action de Grâces   
Jour de l'Indépendance              Pâques               Nouvel an Chinois



Thursday 19 December 2013

Joyeux Noël/ Merry Christmas

The Grade 2's did a wonderful and festive job singing "Farandole" at the Christmas concert yesterday.  I am so proud and happy to be teaching all your children. 

Wishing everyone a restful and blessed Christmas holiday.  See you in the New Year, January 6, 2014.
Merry Chrismas! Joyeux Noël!

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Mon Drapeau /My Flag

Je l'aime mon drapeau!
I love my flag!

Please enjoy the following video of your children singing "Je l'aime mon drapeau".  Part of our Social Studies curriculum includes learning about our beautiful country Canada. 
We stand on guard for thee!!